April Poetry Month Day 3 Poem: One Fulfilled Day

For the third day of the poetry month I've chosen the theme, 'One fulfilled day'. Today's poem expresses my soliloquy -- my inner dialogue with myself for one fulfilled day.

Text Image for April Poetry Month Day 3 Poem: One Fulfilled Day

My quest for life
what is fulfillment?
Where does happiness lie?
In success? Job satisfaction?
Or Winning the match for your team?
Achieving sales target?
Long-awaited promotion?
Visions of happiness're different
different for everyone
I envisage my quest for life
I want something more,
something more than happiness,
something more than success,
something more than wealth,
something more than fame,
something more than I've always dreamt
I want more
I want more
In the unending race of the world
I always want something more
My greed is my quest
My quest for something more
Fulfillment of living
One fulfilled day
My goal's one fulfilled day in the life
It’s always
It met me as 'today'
It'll meet me as 'today'
It's always
New opportunities and new disappointments,
Worries and emergencies,
Confidence and fright,
awaits me with sunrise
Still, my goal is one fulfilled day
A fulfilled day isn’t born
I need to create it
from whichever form born is today
My creation shapes by
embracing the day
Today I learn
steps to walk my road further
my learning from the day begins
my adversities,
my successes,
my failed attempts,
my apprehensions,
and my melancholies,
My learning from every one of them continues
And then I work
I learn and I work
I work with
whatever I have and
everything I lack
and I struggle more
I risk more,
produce more work
for my quest of a fulfilled life
for a peaceful world,
just the small world around me
my little world living in peace
I write a poem of love
when hate around burns our lives
I write soft chirps of my poems,
hoping to rekindle hopes in hearts

One fulfilled day of
giving more than what I've got,
attempting more than what all I could try,
learning more than what all I need to learn
My one fulfilled day
one step towards the fulfillment of life


In case you missed the poems on day 1 and day 2 of April:

A poem on spiritual Fulfillment:

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