PAD Challenge Day 28 Poem: What Matters For A Happy Life

The last three days of the PAD challenge are remaining. Today is the 28th day. Today's prompt by Writer's Digest, "Two for  Tuesday" is to write a 1. Write a matter poem and 2. Write an anti-matter poem. Today's poem is a motivational poem about the conflicts between relationships and what matters for a happy life.

what matters to you most
your ego

what matters to me most
my ego

does it matter to you
conflicts are growing?

does it matter to me
conflicts have grown?

the matter isn't that serious

the conflict isn't that serious

but what doesn't matter to us
the outcome

what doesn't matter to us
the loss

what doesn't matter to us when ego swells
happy moments

just rethink about all those 
conflicting matters

what does matter for a happy life
happy moments
just happy moments

what matters for the peace and harmony
dip that ego
in the sweetness of kind thinking and kind acts

what'll matter to you then
my feelings

what'll matter to me then
your feelings

what'll matter to us then
peace and joy

smile and let's forget those
conflicting matters